Home insurance claims are a fact of life. The entire reason you obtain coverage is to protect your assets. Obtaining the coverage is just one step. Do you know what your policy covers and for how much? This might seem like a stupid inquiry, but the fact is there are a lot of homeowners who have a very discourteous awaking as to how much they are insured for.
In fact, filing a home owners insurance is really quite straightforward and can be done in these four easy steps.
1. Make an inventory of your home
If an intruder has been in your home, check to see if anything is missing. Start with the more expensive items such as jewelry, cash and appliances like televisions which are common targets for burglars.
Make sure that you check all the rooms in the house as well as the front and back yards, and that you compile a list of all the missing items. It is a good idea to do this with all the members of your home including the kids so that you don't miss any item. If anything has been damaged, make a separate list for those things as well.
2. Fill up the necessary forms
The second step is to go your home insurance company's office and fill out the necessary forms to file a claim. These days however, you won't even need to go to their office because most companies now conduct their businesses online. All you have to do is go to your home insurance company's website and you will see the claim forms there.
In these forms, you will typically be asked to enumerate all the missing or damaged items that you have listed in step one. Some companies are very particular and you will need to be very detailed in your descriptions, including the brand, date of purchase, original purchase price, and so on.
3. Present proofs of ownership
When you submit a claim, most insurance companies will need to see proofs of ownership of the items you are filing a claim for. Receipts or even videos and photographs can come in handy for this step. When you are not able to present a valid proof of ownership, the home insurance company may deny your claims.
In case of damage, Homeowner Insurance companies typically get their evidence by sending their own people to your home to verify that the items you are claiming for have indeed been damaged.
4. Wait for the check
Once you have submitted all the paperwork, the home insurance company will have all your documents processed. This can take up to several weeks because they will need to verify all the information that you have given them. Many insurance companies now have more stringent measures during the verification process due to numerous instances of home insurance scams in the past few years.
When your claims have been approved, the insurance company will give you a call and all you have to do is wait for the check which will arrive in your mail after a few days.